Warhammer 40k Terrax Guard

Warhammer 40k Terrax Guard

You certainly won't have trouble picturing the Terrax Guard. Hosting a huge Schola Progenium facility called the Schola Excubitos, Terrax ensures a system of elite and disciplined training and fancy uniforms to a similar extent to the Mordian Iron Guard. Epic 40K Imperial Mole - Rare OOP - Warhammer Citadel Squats Termite Guard Squat. Tectonic Fragdrill Genestealer Cult 40K ALTERNATE Terrax Termite Assault Drill. $55.00 + shipping. Games Workshop 40k Squats Metal Squat Adventurer #1 EX. $15.00 + shipping. Warhammer 40k Space Marine Primaris Captain w/Power Sword & Relic Shield.NoS.

Commissars as footsoldiers. War's over. We're done here.

'We will crush all those who dare resist the will of the Red Army! Abandon your posts... Abandon your homes... Abandon all hope!'

– Commissar Markhov, Call of Duty: World at War

Imagine a Commissar. Scary guy, big sword, nice hat. Now imagine a full regiment of Commissars, all with their peaked caps shadowing their face as they all snarl and raise their lasguns at the same time. I don't think you'll need to imagine shitting your pants. You certainly won't have trouble picturing the Terrax Guard.

Warhammer 40k Terrax Guard

Hosting a huge Schola Progenium facility called the Schola Excubitos, Terrax ensures a system of elite and disciplined training and fancy uniforms to a similar extent to the Mordian Iron Guard. While it's hard to speculate on what additional training they receive, it's probably likely that they practice their markmanship by firing at a range of five centimeters with a bolt pistol at “volunteers” from their penal legions.

Also notable for preferring to use meltaguns as squad special weapons and lascannons as support weapons. Which makes sense as their carapace armor means your anti-infantry weapons won't do much, meaning vehicles are the only real threat to them and besides that the lascannons can waste any enemy anti-infantry support weapons quickly.

Imperial Guard Regiments Warhammer 40k

They were present during the Macharian Crusade, but took significant damage from friendly fire in the form of both the Star Phantoms and Marines Malevolent - the former of which was declared 'not heresy,' but did sideline both groups from further active duty in the crusade.

Warhammer 40k Army Sheet

Regiments of the Imperial Guard
Armageddon Ork Hunters - Armageddon Steel Legion
Attilan Rough Riders - Brontian Longknives
Cadian Shock Troops - Catachan Jungle Fighters
Death Korps of Krieg - Dieprian Mountain Men
Drookian Fen Guard - Elysian Drop Troops
Harakoni Warhawks - Jopall Indentured Guard
Kanak Skull Takers - Last Chancers
Maccabian Janissaries - Mordant Acid Dogs
Mordian Iron Guard - Phantine Air Corps
Phantine Skyborne - Praetorian Guard
Savlar Chem Dogs - Scintillan Fusiliers
Tallarn Desert Raiders - Tanith First (And Only)
Terrax Guard - Valhallan Ice Warriors
Vostroyan Firstborn - Ventrillian Nobles
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